a bonobo humanity?

‘Rise above yourself and grasp the world’ Archimedes – attribution

Archive for the ‘Merchant of Venice’ Category

reading matters 6

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The merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, chameleon playwright, etc

content hints – exoticism and water, the rialto, lending and borrowing, Christianity and Judaism, the original ghetto, cultural elitism, a youthful scapegrace, a friendship tested, trading without dining, a rich heiress, a father’s curse, dodgy dealings, a strange bond, mutual animus, humanity v culture, love v money, pick-a-box, lots of ducats, lords of the rings, women on top, boys being girls being boys being lawyers, an unlikely court case, mercy’s quality, no flesh without blood, disappearing and reappearing ships, lock up your daughter, fake conversion, marking the music, triple marriage, desolation, the revenger’s tragedy

Written by stewart henderson

July 15, 2020 at 1:07 pm